Faith Accomplishes the Impossible

As we’ve studied Hebrews 11, we’ve seen that faith is powerful. Not because of our strength—faith is powerful because it points us to God and His strength  . And thus, faith accomplishes the impossible!

In Hebrews 11:27, we read that Moses “…endured as seeing him who is invisible.” How remarkable! It’s not that Moses was given some super-power. No, Moses was able to walk by faith instead of sight. His faith led him to see and understand something our carnal senses cannot grasp.

Also, verse 29 says, “By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land…” The Israelites would not have been able to overcome Pharaoh and his army, and they couldn’t outrun Pharaoh. But God did what they could not. God provided a path where no path existed. But it required faith to accept, trust, and walk that path. When we walk by faith, God will accomplish for us what would be impossible for us to accomplish on our own.

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