Faith Leaves

The Hebrew writer demonstrates that Moses’ life provides several lessons about faith. Yesterday, we noted that faith empowered Moses to choose Israel over Egypt. But that choice required something else from Moses. Hebrews 11:27 says, “By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” Earlier this week, we saw Moses’ parents were unafraid of Pharaoh’s edict because of their faith. Their son shared their courage. But notice what else Moses did—he left Egypt. When he chose Israel over Egypt, he didn’t try to hold on to Egypt’s pleasures while allying with the Hebrews. No, he left Egypt. He left his old life behind.

Faith must do the same for us today. Genuine faith moves us to leave our old ways of sin and selfishness behind. By faith, we must leave Egypt. Whatever the consequences, we must courageously endure the narrow path with eyes faithfully fixed on the Lord.

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