Faith Evaluates

Yesterday, we learned faith helps us make important choices . The reason for this is that faith allows us to evaluate worth. Hebrews 11:26 says Moses, “…considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward.” We tend to place the highest value on wealth and pleasure. Which life is more valuable: that of a wealthy prince or a slave? Which life would you choose? Our gut reaction is that wealth and privilege are valuable, but faith helps us evaluate better. Faith helps us understand and see real value. See, real value is in things that last. And worldly wealth, comfort, and fame don’t last. But the reward promised those faithful to Christ? That is invaluable. It is beyond our ability to calculate the value! Will the path to such reward require hardship and suffering? Yes. But faith reminds us that eternity is far more valuable than the fleeting and temporary.

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