Faith Remembers

Hebrews 11:22 considers one final example of faith from Genesis—Joseph. It reads, “By faith Joseph, at the end of his life, made mention of the exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones.” Of all of Joseph’s trials and achievements, why does the Hebrew writer pick this as the great example of Joseph’s faith?

Perhaps it is because however much he accomplished, Joseph never forgot who he was. He may have been second in command in Egypt, but he was no Egyptian. Thus, he told his people to ensure they took his bones with them when they left Egypt and returned to the Promised Land. Egypt was temporary—God’s promises, forever.

So it should be for us. We are passing through this life—escaping Egypt and wandering the wilderness. Don’t mistake either for home. Remember who you are and where you’re going, and faithfully serve the Lord until you enter His promised rest.

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