Faith Worships

People often think faith is nothing more than mental agreement to some idea. But biblical, saving faith is much more. James 2:26 bluntly says, “…faith without works is dead.” And so, throughout Scripture, we see that faith is not merely a mindset, but genuine faith is active faith. One of the best demonstrations of this is Hebrews 11. That chapter highlights several Old Testament examples of faith. Over and over again, it talks about faith—but in every example given, the Hebrew writer talks about what those people did. I want to consider those examples in a brief series on what faith does.

First, genuine faith worships God. Hebrews 11:4 says, “By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts.” Faith that is not obediently worshipful towards God is more akin to Cain’s mindset than righteous Abel’s. If we are people of faith, we should be worshipful people.

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