How God Forgives: Mercifully

Yesterday, we began a series on How God Forgives, and we noted that even though God is always the innocent party, He has taken the first step toward forgiving us. He proactively pursues forgiveness. Today, let’s consider another trait of how the Lord forgives. As we reflect on Scripture and our own lives, we are struck by the sheer abundance of God’s mercy. It’s a mercy that surpasses our understanding and cannot be adequately expressed in words.

God is a God of justice and judgment, but He is also a God of mercy. Sin angers God, but God offers mercy instead of immediately dispensing judgment. And God is not meager in His mercy and forgiveness. His willingness to pardon is greater than we can imagine. Psalm 103:10 says, “He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.” How thankful we should be that God has given us mercy instead of what we deserved.