Always Learning, but Never Knowing

Yesterday, we considered Proverbs 9:9 and the fact that even when we are wise, we can still receive beneficial instruction. There is, however, another side to that coin. While we should always be humble and correctible, we should not make learning an end in and of itself. Sometimes people go down the road of academia to such lengths that the goal becomes learning, not knowledge. Ironically, when this happens, more learning can somehow lead to less knowledge! In 2 Timothy 3:7, the Bible warns against people who are “always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” Some people are puffed up with all of their learning even though all they possess are questions. In spiritual matters, this can be devastating.

So, there must be a balance. We must always be humble and correctible and grow in our knowledge. But we must also see that God has provided truth, and we can know the truth that is needed to save our souls.