Worthless Food?

Humanity’s ingratitude can be pretty stunning. We tend to get dissatisfied and to grow tired of even the greatest blessings. When Israel was saved from slavery, God guided, protected, and provided for them. When they couldn’t provide or find food for themselves, God miraculously gave manna each day so they could survive. At first, the Israelites were impressed and thankful. But listen to them later: in Numbers 21:5, they say, “…Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food.” The people called manna—food that was provided graciously and miraculously—worthless food!

How do we treat God’s provision and blessing? Are we thankful? Are we content? Even when our lot seems mundane and simple, are we grateful? Or do we grumble, complain, and always seek more and better? Do we ever count God’s incredible blessings as worthless food?

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