When in Deep Water

I once heard someone say, “when in deep water, it’s good to keep your mouth closed.” That’s pretty good advice! If you’re in danger of drowning, the last thing you want to do is let more water in. Clearly this saying has to do with more than swimming.

One of the quickest ways we get in trouble is with our words. Often, when we’re in some difficult situation, we make it worse by not keeping our mouths closed. Sometimes we speak up when we don’t know what to say, which is a dangerous tactic. Peter once suggested building tabernacles for Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, erroneously equating them. Mark writes Peter was scared during the transfiguration and didn’t know what to say.[1]When we don’t know what to say, then we shouldn’t say anything!

Other times to be silent include when we’re angry, defensive, being rebuked, and others. When wading through difficult situations, use wisdom and don’t compound problems with rash words.

[1] Mark 9:6

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