Peace, Rest, Evil

Do you appreciate the gift of salvation? Too often, mankind enjoys God’s deliverance, only to return to evil ways.

In Judges four, God used Deborah and Barak to mightily deliver Israel from oppression. Chapter five then records a song of praise for God and His saving power. Verse 31 contains the final stanza, “So may all your enemies perish, O Lord! But your friends be like the sun as he rises in his might.” Then the Bible says, “And the land had rest for forty years.” That’s a great ending. But listen to the start of chapter six: “The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord…” Israel was faithful for a while, but before long returned to sinful ways. How tragic. But can we say we are better? Do we strive to be faithful every day? Or like Israel, is our life a cycle of periodic obedience, followed by an inevitable return to sin and evil?

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