The Lowly and the Rich

The gospel of Jesus appears strange to the world. And no wonder—Jesus’ kingdom turns things upside down. James 1:9-10 highlights this when it says, “Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, and the rich in his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away.” James’ instructions don’t make sense from a worldly perspective. To the world, the lowly (that is the poor, downtrodden, and servants) don’t have much to boast about, and they certainly are not considered exalted. However, in Christ, our treasure is not found in temporary wealth but in eternal life and salvation.

And to the world, riches are not a humbling thing. On the contrary, wealth is a reason to be proud and accomplished. But the Christian recognizes that riches will pass away and offer no eternal value, so why boast about them?

Whatever your lot in life—lowly or wealthy, remember that true riches and meaning are found in Christ, not the things of this world.

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