Don’t Fear Their Gods

In Judges 6:10 God rebukes the Israelites because they had not heeded His instructions to “not fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell.” The instruction to not fear other gods has two applications. First, the Israelites served the one, true God, so there was no reason to be afraid of the false, man-made deities of the Canaanites. Second, the Israelites were not supposed to revere and worship the false gods of the Canaanites. Their reverence and obedience were to be for God alone.

Like ancient Israel, we need to be reminded to not fear the gods of the land in which we dwell. Oh, America doesn’t bow down to Baal or Ashtaroth. But what about the gods of capitalism or socialism? What about the gods of politics and power? Or perhaps the gods of money and materialism? Yes, our land has its gods. And Christians should neither be afraid of them, nor should we revere them. Trust in God and faithfully serve Him and Him alone.

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