The Rabble Among Them

While traveling to the Promised Land, Israel struggled with complaining. In Numbers 11:4 the Bible says, “Now the rabble that was among them had a strong craving. And the people of Israel also wept again and said, “Oh that we had meat to eat!” The term “rabble” is rendered by some translations as “riff-raff.” Either way, it’s a pejorative term that highlights the nature of these people to complain and grumble. The fact that Scripture refers to such people this way demonstrates what God thinks about complaining. Recently freed from slavery, many Israelites still found reasons to complain. In this regard, Israel might be an awful lot like us.

God has worked to deliver us from even greater bondage—that of sin. He has blessed us in innumerable ways. And yet, too often, our words are filled with complaints and grumbling. Don’t be part of the riff-raff and rabble. Instead, reflect on God’s blessings, be content, and thank God for His gifts of mercy.

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