A Love of Good

Titus chapter one contains a list of qualifications for men who would be elders in the Lord’s church. According to Titus 1:8, such a man must be “a lover of good.” That seems to be a generic qualification. What type of “good” is a Christian leader supposed to love? Is he a lover of good things? Good deeds? Good People? Well, yes! The qualification is probably supposed to be an all-encompassing one.

A spiritually mature Christian should love good things. The world is often allured by carnal or evil things, but the Christian should train the mind to love good, holy things. And a Christian should love good deeds. What types of things do you love to do? Sinful things? Or maybe things that aren’t sinful, but aren’t righteous either? We should develop a love for doing holy things. And we should love good people. Do you respect worldly, sinful people, or good, godly people more? Are you a lover of good?