The Complacency of Fools

The first chapter of Proverbs contains several warnings against forms of foolishness. In verse 32 the Bible says, “For the faithlessness of the naive will kill them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them.” There are certain ways in which being simple or naïve might be acceptable. But regarding listening to and obeying God, simplicity and naivety may be forms of foolishness, for they lead to ignorance.

Now, Proverbs isn’t just being harsh about ignorance. These strong words are aimed at the cause of ignorance. It is complacency that causes one to be a fool. We all have more to learn about God’s Word. But could it be that we are ignorant of many Biblical truths because we are complacent? Could it be we are content with Biblical naivety and simple-mindedness? If so, then we are indeed foolish. God has provided His Word so that we might learn His way and be saved. Don’t be lost because of spiritual complacency.

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