Looking for the Kingdom

In Luke 23, we meet Joseph—the very Joseph whose tomb Jesus was buried in. Joseph was a Jewish leader, but he disagreed with the decision to hand Jesus over for execution. Luke says Joseph “…was looking for the kingdom of God.”[1] Joseph wasn’t looking for religious comfort or a social group. And his desire for the kingdom separated him from his peers. Not going along with the decision of the group and then openly requesting the body of Jesus to give Him an honorable burial must have marked Joseph as an outlier and possibly brought consequences to the man. But what he sought was of great value.

What are you looking for today? Are you looking for a convenient church? Are you looking for a group of friends? Are you looking just to fit in where you are? Or are you actively searching for the Lord’s kingdom and willing to stand apart from the crowd to serve the Lord faithfully?

[1] Luke 23:51