For We Are Kinsmen!

In Genesis 13, we read about the events that led to Abraham and Lot separating. Lot lived with and among his Uncle Abraham, but both men had vast flocks and livestock. Strife arose between the two men’s herdsmen because the land could not support such vast herds. On this occasion, Abraham says something that should be a reminder for all of us, even today. In Genesis 13:8, he says to Lot, “Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herdsmen and my herdsmen, for we are kinsmen.” Abraham valued peace and unity and was willing to make great sacrifices to attain it. He was willing to put Lot’s needs before his own to avoid strife.

How highly do we value peace? Do we actively seek unity with our families—both physical and spiritual? What are we willing to do and even sacrifice to have peace? Let’s learn from Abraham and remember that there should not be strife between kinsmen!