
Humans tend to struggle with waiting. But the Christian life is not one of instant gratification—it is a road of patient endurance. Following Christ requires us to trust that the best is yet to come.

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells and explains the Parable of the Weeds. In the parable, the kingdom of heaven is likened to a field with wheat and weeds. The wheat represents the righteous, while the weeds represent sinful and lawless people. At the end of the age, the weeds are gathered and thrown out. Lastly, Jesus says, “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” What a powerful word “then” is. Satan would have you believe you can find true fulfillment here and now. But Jesus calls us to trust in His plan and timing. For now, we trust, labor, and even struggle. But when Jesus comes, then we will experience glory and eternal life.