Jeroboam’s Religion: A Religion Devised in His Heart

Jeroboam’s Religion: A Religion Devised in His Heart

This week we’ve discussed King Jeroboam’s self-made religion. It was a religion of self-reliance, convenience, and altered rules. Jeroboam departed from God’s pattern because he didn’t trust in God. Sadly, he followed his heart instead of giving his heart to God. First Kings 12:33 says that Jeroboam made offerings in the month which had devised in his own heart. That’s a condemning truth about much of religion today.

Too often people trust in themselves rather than God. Instead of loving God with all their heart, they devise their own personal religion in their heart. Don’t trust in yourself, or other men, when it comes to worshipping and living for God. God has spoken to us, and He has given us His will and pattern! Trust in the Lord and His Word. Compare all that you do to the pattern already given, and ensure your religion isn’t just a self-devised religion of your heart, but is truly the faith God has called all His children to.

For Springer Road Church of Christ, this is Nate Bibens wishing you a closer walk, with the Master.