Christian Comparisons: An Athlete

Christian Comparisons: An Athlete

Yesterday, we discussed the first of five metaphors Paul uses to describe the Christian life in 2 Timothy 2. Today, let’s consider the next picture. Paul says in verse five, “An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.” Like a soldier, a professional athlete is an occupation that requires a great deal of dedication and training. What Paul especially focuses on here, however, is the nature of competition and victory athletes face—if they wish to succeed, they must follow the rules.

Christ has offered us freedom, but many assume that freedom is a freedom from all rules. That is not the freedom spoken of in the New Testament. Jesus is our king and our lawgiver. If we wish to serve Him, glorify Him, and be saved by Him, then we must obey His commands. Instead of making our own rules, we are to trust in Christ and obey His rules. Then we can win a crown of life.

For Springer Road Church of Christ, this is Nate Bibens wishing you a closer walk, with the Master.